Helpful Templates and Forms

Beginning 1 July 2023, researchers submit all new studies via the SU OneAegis system using your SU credentials. The online system will accept PDFs only. Modification Requests, Continuing Review reminders, Closeout Reports, and Special Circumstance requests are also now available through OneAegis to anyone with a protocol reviewed after 1 July 2023.

If you have a currently open Expedited or Full-Board protocol -- one whose approval predates the roll-out of OneAegis on 1 July 2023 -- you should continue to use the traditional, post-approval forms offered on this page and listed below. These include Modification Requests, Continuing Review forms, Closeout Reports, and Special Circumstance requests. 

PLEASE NOTE: If you need to report an Unanticipated Problem/Adverse Event, please use the appropriate form in your OneAegis portal or (for an older submission) the template form provided below under "Post-Approval Forms." 

PLEASE NOTE: Reach out to us immediately at or 206-296-2585 if you experience an Unanticipated Problem/Adverse Event relating to your protocol and affecting risk to human participants or others.